THE BRIMBANK COUNCIL HAVE RECENTLY INSTALLED A BOOMGATE ON FARR PARKWAY ( the road into our flying field ) if you wish to visit us, either contact the club first for the gate code or wait at the gate until a member lets you in.
Due to break ins at the club recently all items of value have been removed from the clubhouse and storage container and are now stored off site.
On the 19th Brimbank Council will decide on the new name for Sydenham Park.
This month members attended a Car Boot Sale at Melton and a Flyin at Camperdown.
January 2024
We had a well attended breakup barbeque in December and a welcome to the New Year Fly In on New Year’s Day, and apart from torrential rain on a few days the new year is off to a good start.
October 2023
On October 20 the Brimbank Mayor opened the walking and cycling paths in Sydenham Park and for the first time members of the public are now allowed into certain areas of the park. Our operations within the Park are continuing as usual.
August 2023
The upgrade of the clubhouse is well underway, the building has been insulated and lined and a SOLAR POWERED battery charge station has been constructed. About 50% of our models are battery powered.
APRIL 2023
Due to difficulties with various authorities the construction of the new clubhouse has been cancelled, the Committee has decided to upgrade the current clubhouse instead, starting with the kitchen area.
November 2022
The field has received a lot of rain over the past few weeks, there has been puddles and some standing water under the sunshade however our fully mat covered runways, which drain onto the grass and eventually into the valley ( I suppose ) have remained serviceable so there has been minimal interruption to the club’s operation.
April 2022
The Flying Field is fully operational seven days a week, weather permitting.
June 18 2021
The field is open for 150 participants, max groups of 50.
Pavilion/clubhouse is open with capacity limits.
Face masks to be worn indoors.
– Face masks are required outdoors where physical distancing of 1.5m cannot be maintained
June 11
– Pavilion access is only permitted to 1 nominated coach/club official on the day for storage, lighting and equipment access only.
– These facilities are to remain locked all other times before, during and after training use
Face masks must be worn indoors (where applicable) at all times
– Face masks are required outdoors where physical distancing of 1.5m cannot be maintained
June 10
Currently the following restrictions have been updated specifically related to sport:
– Outdoor training only can recommence from Friday 11 June, 2021
– No competition sport permitted until further notice
– Density quotient of 1 per 4 sqm applies to outdoor training
– Maximum venue capacity of 100 outdoors applies
– Max group sizes of 10 applies
– Public gathering/spectators outdoors are permitted for up to 10 people, keeping 1.5m distance and within the 1p 4sqm rule
– 25km travel limit applied from primary residence
– Indoor physical recreation and sports facilities remain closed
– Gyms remain closed
– Community facilities including pavilions, change rooms, social areas and canteens remain closed until further clarification from SRV is provided. See Information below.
– Face masks must be worn at all times when indoors (once facility access is permitted)
– Contact tracing via electronic QR codes essential
– COVID Safe Plan updated and in operation essential
May 28
The field is once again closed due to State Covid restrictions.
May 23
The club funfly was held today, the weather was good and 40+ members attended. We also had a car boot sale.
Feb 17
The field is open to members & visitors under Covid Summer Rules.
Feb 12
Full lock down of the whole state again. KDMAS flying field is closed from tonite until Thursday Feb 18 morning.
Feb 3
Masks must be worn when indoors and social distance rules apply.
Jan 4
December saw some activity at the club, most of the model flight preparation tables had their tops replaced and we had a very successful Fun Fly/ Break up day just before Christmas.
Not many good flying days occurred over the Christmas New Year period but we are all looking forward to January for some better weather.
Nov 16
The club AGM was held yesterday at the flying field. The entire committee was re elected for another term.
The club is hoping for a quick return to normal operations and a summer of good flying weather.
Nov. 11
Latest from VMAA & Brimbank Council.
“Can open indoor facilities subject to regular and thorough cleaning”
clubhouse can now be used with restricted numbers and cleaning. Our clubhouse is good for up to 6 members provided they keep a social distance apart. 4sq m per person.
tables, chairs and communal areas must be sanitized regularly.
October 29
According to the latest directive from VMAA groups of up to 10 people can be at our facility ( field ) providing we maintain a reasonable distance from each other.
October 28
The field will reopen tomorrow October 29. There are of course strict rules to follow. All members are being sent an email tonight with a list of the rules. Main rules, 10 members only clubhouse not open.
October 26
October 20
This is the latest info from Brimbank Council.
“organised club activities/training may be permitted from 1 November 2020 (Please note: This may change if further announcements are made by the Government).”
Do NOT go to the flying field until we get the go ahead from the Council.
Members will be notified by Facebook, Email and website.
New rules out today allow us to reopen BUT we must get council permission first,
there will be paperwork to do, including the ” Back to play plan for sporting clubs” The committee are working on it.
The Club is closed until further notice
Up to 20 people can attend the field at one time. Members are to self regulate this rule i.e. if you arrive and there are already 20 members (unlikely) then wait in your car for someone to leave, or come back later.
All members attending the field are required by Brimbank City Council to sign in with name and time, we will use the visitors book for this.
Social Distancing is very important.
Keep 1.5metres apart
Only persons who are fit and healthy, and show no signs of Covid-19 symptoms, are permitted to visit the field.
Members must thoroughly clean their hands both before and after touching any club items –tables, taps, doors, locks etc. The club has sanitizer in the clubhouse.
Only members who wish to fly should attend the field, no on lookers once the number reaches 20.
Only 1 member in the clubhouse at any time.
Keep tuned, we get new rules from Brimbank Council every week.
The field reopened on May 13.
Vic Government rules apply.
Major Manual Update
April 2020
The AGM was held on July 21.2019
The President reported that all is back to normal at the flying field and that because of the possibility of the new e/w runway at Melbourne Airport being scrapped the future looks bright for KDMAS at Sydenham Park.
KDMAS has received a new CASA permit to fly at our current field.
There are new conditions and all members must comply.
Notices have been placed at the field and if you have any questions please contact the committee.
The roll bar has been fitted to the club Fergie, it just fits into the container now.
Feb 2019: Weather Station has been installed in a new location north of the club house.
Nov 11. Seven KDMAS members attended the Melton Club Open Day with sport planes, tow planes and gliders.
The Car Boot sale was well attended with lots of parts and several models changing hands.
Sunday Sept 30 is our car boot sale. Bring along some models or parts to sell or come along and purchase a bargain.
August 9. The runway repair has been completed with extra pegs and silastic, thanks once again to all who assisted with this work.
July 29. A group of 27 members today worked in cold and windy conditions to relay the wind damaged runways. The job is not finished yet as more pegs are being sourced to secure the matting better than before.
July 26. Recent strong winds have dislodged the runway matting at Keilor. A working bee has been called for Sunday July 29 at 9:30 to repair the damage. The field will remain open but members must keep off the affected areas so as not to cause further damage.
All members should have paid their MAAA and club fees by July 1st. If you have not you are uninsured and unfinancial and are not permitted to fly at any MAAA affiliated club including KDMAS.
Several members have rekindled their enthusiasm for control line flying, a flying area has been marked out for them.
The Club has purchased a defibrillator which has been positioned in the clubhouse on a wall bracket. Instructions for use are with the unit but it would be advisable if all members could view the demonstration video available from the club.
Wings Rules
The rules for flying solo have recently changed and some people may have miss-understood.
The current club rules are:
If you have not gone solo you must fly under instruction and in the case of fixed wing you must use a buddy box.
From now on to be granted solo you must achieve bronze or silver wings as appropriate for your aircraft.
The club will be encouraging solo flyers without wings to work towards attaining their wings.
All members at the KDMAS field must display their current club membership card on their person when flying.
No card , no flying.
However, if you have forgotten your card you can sign in as a visitor and use one of the Visitor Cards.
Club caps are available again contact Shane to purchase yours.
We now have a link, on page one, to the Stansted Model Flying Club in England.
This is the club Rod Brister (Craig’s Dad) flys with.
All members please note there is to be no flying on days of TOTAL FIRE BAN for all models except unpowered gliders.
There is a battery charging facility in the clubhouse , all you need to do is connect your charger to the busbar ( 12v ) and away you go.The solar panel will keep the battery charged, providing the sun shines daily.